Hosting Your Special Event at American Bank Center
General Information
Venue Policies
Food & Beverage
Fire & Safety Regulations
Exhibit Hall Security
General Information
Our team will assist you throughout the entire process, from booking your event, on-site logistics to the conclusion of the show.
The American Bank Center complex, which consists of three facilities: a 10,000-seat multipurpose arena, a 170,000 square foot convention center with 76,500 square feet of exhibit space, and the 2,500 seat Selena Auditorium, is the premier convention complex in the city. The American Bank Center accommodates a diverse set of events ranging from small social bookings to sold-out concert events.
Located in the South Texas Gulf Coast, Corpus Christi is 2.5 hours from San Antonio, 3.5 hours from Houston and the 8th largest city in Texas with 320,393 residents in the city, 442,600 in the metro area. More than 11 million visitors’ a year.
The Port of Corpus Christi serves as the 5th largest port in the country. Major area industries include (1) petrochemical, (2) military and (3) hospitality and tourism. Corpus Christi’s demographics are: 63.8% Hispanic, 28.8% Caucasian, 4% African American; 49.6% Male and 50.46% Female. Additionally, Corpus Christi is home to Texas A&M – Corpus Christi with over 8,000 students.
Corpus Christi features more than 11,000 quality hotel rooms throughout the city with a concentration of 1,200 rooms near the convention center in the downtown area. The market offers economical hotel room rates attractive to business and convention delegates alike.
Corpus Christi offers popular tourist attractions and beaches while the city’s surrounding communities offer diverse coastal culinary options and plenty of wildlife and nature to enjoy the outdoors year-round.
Corpus Christi is a charming and diverse city that is ever-evolving. Looking to the future, there is excitement as developments of the Downtown and Bayfront plans emerge, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) final phase of construction of the new US 181 Harbor Bridge becomes a reality, and the opportunity of a new attached convention hotel and convention center expansion are developed.
Venue Policies
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the American Bank Center.
Exhibitors are to have all proper licenses and permits required by the State of Texas and the City of Corpus Christi.
The American Bank Center is the exclusive provider of electrical services and other utilities in the Center. We offer electrical power, water service, gas, drainage, and compressed air in all our exhibit halls. Utility services (electricity, water, plumbing etc. etc.) are exclusively provided by the American Bank Center. Please use the form provided in your Exhibitor Service Kit. All utility service requests must be received one (1) working day prior to Exhibitor move-in to avoid late fees.
Loading docks are for loading and unloading only. All vehicles left in loading areas will be towed away at the owner’s expense. Loading in and loading out must be done through the designated loading docks assigned to show. Loading in and loading out through the Center lobbies is strictly limited to hand-carried items. Materials, which require the use two-wheeled (or more) apparatus must go through the designated loading dock area. Passenger elevators and escalators are designed for passenger use and not intended to carry the heavy weights. No vehicles will be allowed in dock areas, exhibit halls, etc without advance approval by the Center.
No parking, tow away zones and other restricted areas will be strictly enforced, and vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Individuals exhibiting behavior indicative of intoxication or use of a “mood altering” substance will be expelled from the Center premises.
No refueling of vehicles is permitted within fifty (50) feet of the Center.
At no time may exit doors be blocked or obstructed with freight, equipment, display material, trash or unattended materials.
Providing mechanized equipment for off-loading and loading freight/exhibits, etc. is the responsibility of the Exhibitor and at the Show or Exhibitor’s expense. Mechanized equipment that is the property of the American Bank Center will not be used by the Licensee, their sub-contractors or anyone associated with the Licensee’s event for any purpose, unless permission has given, in writing, by the American Bank Center.
Painting of any kind within the American Bank Center is strictly prohibited. Exhibitors may not glue, tape, drill, tack, nail, or in any way affixed to any interior or exterior surface of the Center. Nothing may be attached to exhibit floor columns, even when they occur within your booth.
Glitter, sand, confetti and adhesive-backed (stick-on) decals are strictly prohibited and may not be distributed or used for any purpose within the American Bank Center.
All banners and signage must be hung by the show’s General Service Contractors. Exhibitors may not hang banners or signage without approval from show management. The use, distribution and location of all signs, cards and posters are subject to Center’s review and control. Handwritten signage not allowed.
The American Bank Center is not responsible for trash generated by the Exhibitor. The show will be provided a bulk trash receptacle in the loading dock for exhibitor’s use.
Please remember not to throw boxes or trash generated during show hours into the aisles. Aisle ways and exit ways must remain clear of any trash or debris and cannot be obstructed in any manner.
The American Bank Center cannot accept freight shipments or packages for exhibitors, show management, or its contractors more than 3 days prior to show date load in. American Bank Center does not have a shipping and receiving department. The Center will not accept C.O.D. deliveries. The Center will not assume responsibility or liability for freight left on the premises following the conclusion of the move-in/out. Freight left in the Center will be disposed of at Exhibitor’s expense. All exhibitor freight must be handled by the show decorator.
Shipping Address:
American Bank Center
Attn: (event name and event coordinator name)
1901 N Shoreline Blvd Suite 100
Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Office 361-826-4100
Helium-filled balloons are not allowed in the American Bank Center. Contact your Event Coordinator for further information concerning a possible waiver to this requirement. There is a $250 fee for any balloons which escape the exhibitor’s display.
The American Bank Center has a “no tipping” policy. No exhibitor, or contractor or representative of an exhibitor, may give any gratuities, tips, or gifts of any kind to any employee of the Center.
American Bank Center is not responsible for Lost or Stolen Items. Exhibitors should not leave valuables or personal items (laptops, purses, cameras, briefcases, etc.) on tabletops, behind booth drape, or in any unsecured areas of the exhibit. Please remove all such items from the building at the close of show each day. During move-out, please do not leave your booth unattended until all your display materials have been packed and crated.
No equipment, booths, signs, displays, or other items can block or obstruct any emergency phones, alarms, sprinkler valves, or hose connections.
American Bank Center reserves the right to require any group whose noise levels disturb another group or the business of the Center to reduce their sound to a reasonable level that does not disturb any other group. Please discuss any concerns you have relating to your event with your event coordinator in advance.
American Bank Center does not have a business center on property.
All live animals are prohibited, except for guide and service animals. Exhibitors wishing to display live animals as an integral part of an exhibit must get prior approval from show management. Waiver of this prohibition is contingent on description and number of animals, handler/trainer supervision, required insurance certificates, etc. Any waste products must be picked up, cleaned up and disposed of properly.
The trash generated by exhibitors and general housekeeping of the exhibit area is the responsibility of exhibitors and/or the show’s general service contractor. The Center will designate an area where show trash can be properly disposed.
Food & Beverage
OVG Hospitality is the exclusive in-house caterer and food & beverage provider for the American Bank Center.
No outside food and beverage can be brought in and consumed in the Center at anytime without the written approval of the Center.
Exhibitors demonstrating or using cooking appliances must have at least one 2A10BC extinguishers in the booth at all times. Exhibitors demonstrating or using any appliance producing grease laden vapors (deep fryers, frying pans etc. etc.) must have at least one Type K fire extinguisher. Cooking appliances must be Use of cooking appliances requires prior approval of the American Bank Center. No overnight cooking is allowed. For further questions regarding cooking, please contact the Corpus Christi Fire Department – Fire Marshal’s Office.
Portable cooking equipment not flue-connected is permitted if equipment is fueled by small heat sources that can be readily extinguished by water, such as alcohol-burning and solid alcohol equipment. Proper precautions must be made to prevent ignition of combustible materials. Prior written approval of American Bank Center is necessary.
Sampling of food and beverage items is allowed contingent on the following conditions:
- Sample items dispensed are limited to products manufactured, processed, or distributed by exhibiting firm, and must be directly related to participation in the event.
- Food item samples are limited to a maximum of 2 oz. “bite size” portions.
- Non-alcoholic beverages are limited to a maximum of 2 oz. serving size.
- OVG Hospitality must be notified if products are to be sampled.
- Restrooms, concession stands, and/or facility kitchens may not be used as exhibitor clean-up areas.
- Securing of all necessary license, permits, etc. is the responsibility of licensee/exhibitor.
- Costs associated with the disposal of trash, waste, etc., from exhibitor sampling area are the responsibility of Licensee and/or exhibitor.
- Any alcoholic beverages must be purchased and served by OVG hospitality.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed on premise by exhibitors or workers during load in, show hours or load out.
- Show or exhibitor is responsible for acquiring food handlers permits/fines if samples being given.
Fire & Safety Regulations
Exhibit booths shall be constructed of noncombustible or limited combustible materials. Pipe and drape shall be fire retardant and shall not ignite and spread over the surface when exposed to open flame.
Vehicles may not be displayed without the prior written approval of show management. Any fuel-powered vehicle on static display must have the smallest possible amount of fuel, not more than 1/4 tank. The gas cap must be locked or sealed by tape; batteries must be disconnected. Vehicles may not be started, run or moved during event hours. The keys must be taken out of ignition.
Exhibitor-owned or leased vehicles are NOT allowed to drive on to the exhibit floor to unload or load without prior approval from show management. Access to the exhibit floor for tractor-trailer trucks, semi trucks, etc., must be arranged in advance through show management. The American Bank Center does NOT provide dollies, pallet jacks, ladders, labor etc., for exhibitors’ use.
All fuel-powered motors to be run during show hours must have an exhaust system that will prevent any fumes from being emitted. Prior American Bank Center approval is required. A Fire Watch may be required.
No open flame lighting devices may be used in the American Bank Center without the advance written approval of the City of Corpus Christi Fire Marshal. Please contact our Catering Department at 361-826-4739 to purchase pre-approved candles.
No oils, combustibles, or any liquids other than water may be poured in the American Bank Center drainage or sewer systems. No tools, machines, cookware, or other items may be emptied, washed, or rinsed in American Bank Center restrooms. Cookware, dishes, utensils, etc., may not be filled from American Bank Center restrooms or janitors’ closets.
The American Bank Center wants to provide and maintain a venue which ensures the safety of all who enter our doors. In partnership with the City of Corpus Christi Fire Marshal’s Office, the American Bank Center has adopted and will enforce applicable provisions of the Life Safety Code (LSC), the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and the NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. The following incorporates this provision along with the Center’s own rules and regulations.
Aisle dimensions/locations are subject to Fire Marshal approval. Aisles must be a minimum of 8’ wide and cross aisles must a minimum of 10’ wide.
No exhibit booth, registration table or related material may be placed within 10’ of main entrance/exit.
Doors, fire exits, including doors in partition walls, or access to any exit cannot be blocked or impinged upon by pipe, drape, exhibits, or other fixtures. Exit doors must be maintained in an operable condition.
Literature and other items cannot be stored in booth beyond what could be reasonably used in one day. Additional material must be stored in closed containers and kept in a neat and organized manner in a designated storage area.
Clear access must be maintained to all exits and all Center services (i.e. restrooms, concession stands, utility rooms, etc.)
Compressed flammable gasses, flammable/combustible liquids and hazardous chemicals are prohibited.
The Fire Marshal has the discretion to mandate on-site fire inspectors and/or emergency personnel in the name of public safety, and Licensee is responsible for paying fees associated with this staffing directly to the City of Corpus Christi Fire Marshal’s Office.
Do not exceed the capacity of the electrical connection ordered and provided. Only UL-approved, grounded extension cords may be used for electrical connections. These cords can be ordered through the Center.
The use of pyrotechnics or fireworks within the American Bank Center is strictly regulated by the City of Corpus Christi’s Fire Marshal’s Office and the Center’s Rules & Regulations. These guidelines are designed to ensure the safety of all your staff, the American Bank Center staff, attendees, and visitors, as well as protecting the structural integrity of the Center. The use of pyrotechnics or fireworks shall not be allowed in the Center without the expressed, written approval of the Fire Marshall. Please contact the City of Corpus Christi’s Fire Marshal’s Office for additional information and required permits.
Tents and canopies may require the written approval or permit, please contact the Fire Marshall for more information.
Exhibit Hall Security
The Center maintains a twenty-four (24) hour security force responsible for monitoring the facility perimeter, interior public, traffic flow in such areas, and the Center’s life safety system. The activities of the security personnel cannot be restricted by activities of the Licensee or exhibitors.
No doors may be chained or otherwise locked without the written approval of the Center. No doors can be chain locked when area is occupied.
Use of armed guards, or any other security equipment, is prohibited without the written consent of the Center.
Upon the expiration or sooner termination of the agreement hereof, Exhibitor shall immediately remove all goods, wares, merchandise, property, and debris owned by Exhibitor or placed or permitted to be placed on or at the Facilities. Any such property not so removed shall be considered abandoned and, at Center’s option, be removed and stored by American Bank Center at exhibitor’s expense or disposed of in any manner the Center deems expedient. Exhibitor hereby waives all claims for damage resulting from such removal, storage and disposal of such property and indemnifies American Bank Center from any damages or costs including reasonable attorney’s fees resulting from such storage and disposal.
Exhibitor may not use or transport any equipment, supplies furnishings or other property belonging to American Bank Center, or the City of Corpus Christi, without the Center’s written permission.
Exhibitor agrees not to bring onto the premises any material, substance, equipment or object which is likely to endanger the life of, or to cause bodily injury to, any person on the premises or which is likely to constitute a hazard to property thereon without the prior approval of the American Bank Center. The Center shall have the right to refuse any such material, substance, equipment or object to be brought onto the premises and the further right to require its immediate removal therefrom if found thereon.
American Bank Center does not have First Aid/Emergency Medical Services (EMT) on site.
All incidents of injury, vandalism, fire, theft, etc. should be reported to the American Bank Center Security Office immediately at 361-826-4108. Following notification of any incidents, event staff will initiate appropriate reports and investigations.
The American Bank Center is ADA compliant.
There are 2 freight elevators. Both access garage, 1st and 2nd floors. NE freight is 8’Hx8.5’Lx6.5’W. SW freight is 8’Hx11L’x8’W.
Electrical & Equipment Pricing
Power Source | Pricing |
120 Volts 20 AMPS Duplex | $100 |
120 Volts 30 AMPS Single | $110 |
208 Volts Single Phase 10 AMPS | $110 |
208 Volts Single Phase 20 AMPS | $130 |
208 Volts Single Phase 30 AMPS | $150 |
208 Volts Single Phase 50 AMPS | $190 |
208 Volts 3 Phase 10 AMPS | $130 |
208 Volts 3 Phase 20 AMPS | $150 |
208 Volts 3 Phase 30 AMPS | $170 |
Drain Connection | $110 |
Internet line | $160 |
Water Connection | $110 |
*Any requirements greater than what is listed above will be discussed with Chief Engineer. If you don’t see what you need please contact your Event Manager.
Contact a Planner
Sammie Ramon
Senior Event Sales Manager
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Directions to the American Bank Center
American Bank Center
1901 N Shoreline Blvd,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Get Directions